How to set up Next.js with TypeScript
Next.js is a React framework to build fast and high-performance applications. It provides an integrated TypeScript experience, including zero-configuration set up and built-in types for Pages, APIs, and more.
Add blog posts dynamically to your GitHub README
You can share information about yourself with the community on GitHub by creating a profile README. You can also decide what information to include in this file, so you have full control over how you present yourself on GitHub.
How to set up Gatsby with TypeScript
Last year I started integrating TypeScript into all of my projects and workflows. It helped me write better and more predictable code, it is a JavaScript superset which extends the language to include type definitions allowing codebases to be statically checked for soundness.
Connecting to GitHub with SSH
With SSH keys, you can connect to GitHub without supplying your email and password every time you push. When you set up SSH, you will need to generate a new SSH key and add it to the ssh-agent. You must add the SSH key to your account on GitHub before you use the key to authenticate.